Phyllotex® Grow With Us Guarantee
All natural Phyllotex works so well for so many people that it’s a no brainer to offer an amazing 120 day return policy:
Send us any unopened jars within 120 days of purchase and we will refund those jars’ purchase price.
Email for shipping details.

Start Regrowing Your Hair Today!
Use Code PHYTEX10 to save 10% on your first order.
Choose from the 3 options shown below:

Which Phyllotex Package is Best for You?
Choose: the 4-Month Supply (our buy-3-get-1-free option) gives your hair the time it takes to show regrowth! or Monthly Delivery or 1-Month Supply
Here’s Why Patented All Natural Phyllotex® Hair Growth Vitamin Works So Well For So Many People
Phyllotex has been scientifically proven to address the 4 main causes of hair loss: circulation to the scalp, nutrition hair
follicles need, too much “hair assassin” protein & environmental stress. And it’s good for the whole you too!
Slow, Stop, Reverse Your Hair Loss
Phyllotex naturally blocks to “hair assassin” protein that causes hair loss in men and women.
Grow Thicker, Longer, Stronger Hairs:
Improve blood flow to scalp, deliver nutrients to make follicles thrive, protect hair from stress
Less Scalp Show-Through! Filled in Edges!
Less hair loss + thicker, longer, stronger hair = more scalp coverage and fuller edges
Healthier Hair, Healthier You
Zinc, Magnesium, Vitamins D & B6 + Brazilian super plants beautify your hair while they power your immune system too! And more, better hair means more self-confidence too!
3 Steps to Thicker, Stronger, Longer,
More Attractive & Beautiful Hair

Real People with REAL Transformations!
Phyllotex Hair Vitamins are
Doctor Recommended
“I personally use Phyllotex as well as recommend it to my patients because I find it that effective. It’s easy to take, offers many benefits and most importantly makes a difference in my, and my patients’, hair.”
— Dr. Yael Halaas