Take the First Step to Getting Back Your Healthy Hair

Phyllotex® is Recommended by Doctors, Stylists, Scientists and Beauty Experts

This works!
December 10, 2020
After hair loss six years ago, I had PRP done which was successful. Several years ago, my hair began thinning again and I had a newer version of PRP which didn’t work. I looked into hair transplantation but because my hair loss is diffuse, I’m not a candidate.
My doctor recommended Phyllotex. I’ve used it over a year and have seen my hair regrow so that my hairline has dropped to the normal place. My scalp is less visible and I have fuller hair. I have not had digestive or other issues using Phyllotex.
My hair loss has been a problem for a number of years and it has been very stressful and emotional. I’m very glad Phyllotex has worked and is making me more comfortable with my hair.
Restore your hair!
January 26, 2021
I have been using Phyllotex for over 6 months now and the results are amazing. Before my hair was getting very thin in the front and on the top of my head. Every time I would comb my hair I would see a lot of hair on my brush.
Now my hair has gotten thicker it looks better then it has in a long time.
This is the first supplement that really works!
April 15, 2021
My experience with hair loss products is they promise the moon and deliver little or nothing – and most have some really creepy ingredients…
I’ve been taking Phyllotex for over 5 months. The results are fantastic and continue to get noticeably better. I had less shedding pretty quickly … Shedding is not an issue for me any more. Early in month 4 I began to see truly awesome differences – my hair is much thicker, stronger and full of the natural body/volume I haven’t had in a years. It’s also growing faster.
I already have new cut and styling options, use much less product and need much less time styling… I can’t wait to see what’s on the horizon.
Phyllotex is now an important part of my daily health and beauty routine. It’s given me a lot of happiness.